Thursday, August 28, 2008

School Lunches

Oh don't get me started on lunches. Last year Madeline was having "issues" with her stomach and we determined that eating greasy food made her nauseous, so no more school lunches. Connor on the other hand has to eat constantly. Constantly you say, really? And I say YES constantly. If he doesn't have something in his backpack that can be eaten at each recess he is dying of hunger by the time school's out. He's an eating machine. So, Madeline in her brilliance wanted to get up at 5:30am to make her own lunch. Yeah right like that's going to happen, so we compromised and she made her own lunch the night before, which most of it came home uneaten. She had a total of a cup of mandarin oranges and some grapes for lunch! That's exactly what she wanted today too. It's not like she's not eating normally, it's just. I think, at lunch time she is much more interested in socializing with her little friends than eating.

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