Monday, June 1, 2009

Into Perspective

So, while I know that my situation isn't unique, I still don't have to like hubby left for a year last week. Lucky for me he's not going into harms way per say, he only gets to go learn how to defuse bombs, yeah that's not dangerous at all. I think watching him say good-bye to our babies was absolutely heartbreaking, more than saying good-bye to me. My little ones were so brave and walked off to school without losing it, unlike me waiting in the car I was blubbering like a baby.

What this has done is put my life into perspective. I don't care where we live as long as we are together. If I have an opportunity to move and live in Alabama and I get to be close to him then I am off to the southland. I was born and raised in California but I would leave in a heartbeat to have my family together.

It has also shown me that my hubby is my best friend. I have best girl friends and I love them and would go absolutely bat-ass crazy if I didn't have them, but my hubby is the one I talk to everyday about everything that has happened during the day. We laugh at the same crazy things, and he helps put my crazy fears about little things into perspective. I miss him! We have been talking via Skype several times since he left and I don't know if it's better or worse to see him and talk to him like that knowing he's 2,000 miles away.

He started his school today, and depending on how the next two weeks go, I might get to drive across country and live in Alabama and then Florida for the next year. Adventure here we come.

1 comment:

Jennfactor 10 said...

Holy smokes! I would miss you like crazy, but if you go that route, more power to you, baby! It's not like I take advantage of the fact that we live in the same state...

It's all an adventure, baby!