Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inappropriate Words

So, I am not a huge sports fan, but I do enjoy the occasional football game, more particularly Fresno State football games. Well this past Saturday was a Fresno State game and it started at 7:00pm, the kids bedtimes are 7:30pm. As I am getting Connor ready for bed he starts begging to be allowed to stay up to watch the game with us, and in his persuasive arguments he tells me that if I let him stay up he "won't pay attention to the inappropriate words". I ask him what he means and he tells me that the last time Fresno State played he was in bed but he could still hear my "inappropriate words". So, in a nutshell my 6 year old busted me for cussing at the TV while Fresno State plays. In my defense the last game was painful to watch and the bad words were only spoken when I thought my kids were asleep.

1 comment:

Jennfactor 10 said...

Lol. Too late for Little O, she's heard them all from her father.

We had to have the whole "do as I say not as Daddy does" talk very early on with her.

Still better than the ex's scatalogical (how DO you spell that?) substitutions. As if using seventeen varieties of turd was somehow less graphic. Divorce can be a very good force in the world.