Today is Matt's 40th birthday. Wow, can I say that I never thought that I would be 40? Not that I am yet, but my better half is now 40 so I must be close, right? Give me 6 months and I will be crying my eyes out about how I can't be this old and blah, blah, blah more junk like that. But today is Matt's day and I have to say that 12 years ago on his birthday when we first got "together" (the quotes are because this is a PG blog) I never thought that we would be where we are now. We've been married for over 10 years, and have two of the most wonderful kids on the face of the earth.
Life with Matt is never dull. He is always thinking of new and interesting things to do, and places to go. I have never in my life ever met anyone who is so fearless. His buddies in the Army call him the Kashi Guy, and then they laugh but honestly he is the Kashi Guy, he does everything, he knows a little bit about a lot of things, and damn he's a ton of fun to be around. Personally I think of him as the Dos Equis Guy, and when at the end of the Dos Equis commercial when they say "He lives vicariously through himself." that's pretty accurate.
The little shy geeky girl in me is constantly amazed that this cool, handsome guy choose to be with me. I am not adventurous, I am not hyper cool. I am the total library girl who was more comfortable with books than with doing things. He picked me out of the multitude of women who continue to drool over him and that was my lucky day. Every day with Matt is my lucky day.